Trudi Pavlovsky on money mindset

So you think you’re ready for financial freedom?

You’ve got the strategy, you’ve got some cash flow but have you taken any action yet?

There’s a reason that over 80% of lotto winners end up worse off then when they first began.

They aren’t prepared for the influx of cash and due to this, they spend it, give it away and reject the windfall they so craved.

And for those who want to create financial freedom, knowing how to set up your thinking for success, is critical to creating and maintaining your wealth.

The things that I want to cover today in this article, are for when you hit your financial freedom goal, so you don’t end up broke, alone and wondering what the heck actually just happened

Strategy and cash to get started with, aren’t the only ways to be successful in the task of financial freedom.

~Novel Serialisation: Heavens Fire~

There are other things that are often overlooked and what can make the difference between becoming the first millionaire in your family, staying middle class or worse.

I use a whole body approach to creating wealth with my clients.

MIND: Identity. Values and Beliefs, Capabilities.

EMOTION: Do you feel guilt and shame around having more than others?

PHYSICAL: Your cellular setpoint for wealth. Your cells can make or break you.

METAPHYSICAL: Understanding the frequency and vibration of money. Yeah I know it sounds weird, but bear with me.

And your family history, which moves between the above elements.


MIND Aka how you think, your internal programming at a meta level.

There’s a reason that rich people, even when they lose all of their money and become bankrupt, can quickly become rich again.

They have an identity of wealth. It’s kind of like it’s in their DNA, especially generational wealth.

They are raised within an environment that creates an identity of wealth being normal. They filter all they see around them through the eyes of abundance. They have no scarcity in their thinking.

When you look at where you are now in relation to money and the kind of lifestyle you desire, how far is the gap between the two?

What needs to shift within you to be able to safely step into that new identity?

And not only with identity do your values and belief systems match this new vision of you? Are they created on a foundation of abundance, self worth and safety?

You see the human mind works on three levels. (Simplified for the purpose of this article)

We have the hindbrain.

Also known as the reptilian or “croc” brain, this is the part of the brain that works on instinct.

This is designed to keep you safe. Which sounds lovely but it can also block you from expansion as it doesn’t know how to protect you.

This is the first part of the human brain to develop and all it did wa snake sure you were fed, and stayed alive,

It was constantly on the lookout for bigger animals that wanted to eat you.

Ready to freeze, fight or take flight.

So it will stop you from creating wealth as it will feel unsafe at a primal level. Unless of course you demonstrate that it is indeed, safe and in your best interest to be rich.

Then the next section is the emotional brain.

If you aren’t taking the time to actively visualise and normalise what you desire, (all you are aiming for with financial freedom) your hind brain is programmed to continue to block you from calling in the wealth you desire.

See how it all works together to either make or break your outcomes?

And finally the rational brain.

This brain works on language, logic, rational thought and willpower.

Here we link our goals, in this case financial freedom, with our values. Our goals must align with our identity, values and beliefs around who we are, and what we are worthy of.

Now if they don’t, you can of course still hit your goal of financial freedom but it’s harder work, and leaves open the space for sabotaging what you have worked for.

But wait, there’s more!

Let’s explore the next element.

EMOTIONAL If you don’t feel good about it, why would you hang onto it?

Ever ask for something as a child and get guilted for asking? “No, do you think money grows on trees?”

What emotion was created in that moment? Guilt, shame something else?

While you can still have the things you desire without clearing any of these emotions from your past, it does detract from your experience.

Clearing negative emotional baggage from the past can fast track your ability to receive even more of what you want and at a much faster rate.

While many people will say once you forgive another person in this situation you are good, I encourage you to go one step further.

Reflect back on any situation around money, spending, having or not having and ask yourself, what is the wisdom I can now draw from this event? If this event was to hold a higher purpose for my life now, what would that purpose be?

If you feel shame or guilt and can’t recall what the situation may have been, a qualified coach can help you remove the judgements that are holding you back from your wealth creation.

I mean, after putting in so much effort to hit the financial freedom point, why not allow yourself to enjoy every last moment.

PHYSICAL Your body is your unconscious, and calls a lot of the shots!

We are comprised of billions of cells that at a very base level their function is to divide and eat.

The food that they eat is the emotion that you are experiencing at the time. If you live a life of feeling wealthy, abundant, and always living in a certain scope when that gets taken away, you rebound quickly to get back into your zone of comfort.

This creates a cellular set point.

Now the cellular set point makes up 50% of our happiness. Interestingly our conditions of living only make up 10% of our happiness in life and the remaining 40% is the voluntary actions.

So it makes sense to focus on feeding our cellular body the correct emotional food to support our moving into the financial freedom of life.

And it is not that hard!

What does feeling wealthy feel like to you? Feed your cells THAT emotional food daily!

So make sure you spend time feeding your cells to normalise wealth by using, surprise surprise, visualisation, meditations or even the contemplation of living your financially free life.

METAPHYSICAL It’s not woo, it’s now science!

Metaphysics explores the nature of being, existence, reality and “first cause” principles.

Connect that  in with Universal Law (rules and patterns that can be applied to everything in the universe and you have some powerful tools at your hands. And many people aren’t using them at all!

Understand that money has a frequency (as all things are energy and vibrate) and when you match the energy you attract it.

To help with this I want to give you the first three universal laws I work through with all my clients, when we are looking at calling in what they want.

The Law of Attraction: match the frequency of what you desire and believe you have it before it arrives. Unshakable belief, even when you have evidence to the contrary.

Know it and own it in the frequency and it can’t help but come to you.

Law of Correspondence: As within so without, as the universe so the soul.

What does this mean for wealth creation and financial freedom?

Your first responsibility is your inner world. As humans we are fully responsible for our thoughts, feelings, energy, vibration and frequency.

If you choose to neglect the inner world, the external world will match that.

Whatever your true beliefs and feelings around money, having more than many, and getting what you desire will show up in what you can create, attract and hold onto.

The mind does not differentiate between good and bad, so whatever we focus on it creates!

Create well! Do the inner work!

Law of Repulsion: When you are needy for your outcome, you actually energetically repel it! Yikes! The trick is to shift from need to preference or requirement.

What will you do with your wealth, how does it create a better world, for you and others? Does it align with a bigger purpose you may have?

This section could be a whole article on its own, and I suggest you explore all of these points more deeply when it comes to your wealth creation AND your ability to keep it and continue to grow it.

YOUR FAMILY HISTORY WITH WEALTH Will you be celebrated or reviled when financially free?

In psychology there is a thing called Maladaptive Schemas. These schemas develop in childhood and are impacted by what we see happening around us.

There are a few and for the purpose of our topic I want to look at “Disloyalty and Abandonment”

We are herd creatures and back in the caveman days to be shunned by your tribe meant being sent out into the wilderness to die.

Our community was important, our family kept us living.

Going against the needs, beliefs, rules of the tribe meant isolation and death. I think you’ve got the drift right?

So in modern days this doesn’t count right?


Our hind brain combined with this unconscious conditioning means that breaking family ties is still biologically driven as a hard thing to do.

So what will be the vibe from your family if you get rich beyond what anyone else in the family has done?

It’s critical to explore your family’s belief around wealth and money. To have a strategy in place for what will come of it.

  • Does your family believe you’re a family of battlers and rich people suck?
  • Do you have siblings that compete with you who aren’t on the financial freedom train who may cause dissent when you make it?
  • Are there religious beliefs, like money is the root of all evil? (Yes that’s a misquote from the bible but many have taken that phrase to heart)


Do you need to make peace somewhere along your journey, that going against the family grain may potentially cause issues or friction?

If staying bonded with your family is important, and for many it isn’t I acknowledge that, how will you make sure family doesn’t roadblock your growth?

The best option is to start talking about it now. How you are looking to create a lifestyle. Make it more about future living than the money itself.

Encourage them to start looking at their own.

Then go about your business.

Oh yes and if it is bought up at the family B.B.Q what your plans are, and it gets sketchy?

Put your boundaries in place around what you will and won’t discuss and change the subject.

You own no one your time or advice on this.

Building wealth is a personal choice that not everyone makes, it’s not up to you to coach them.

Next step is to bring this all together.

  • Spend time daily focusing on what you want to create.
  • Immerse yourself in the feelings of having it all.
  • Embody the energy of already having it.
  • Spend time learning about the universal laws of nature and the power of vibration.
  • Find support to implement this into your life


So what is the first step you are now taking on your journey to financial freedom?


By Trudi Pavlovsky


About the writer

Trudi Pavlovsky, AKA The Happiness Technician, has been working in the field of human development for over a decade.

She is PCC certified with the ICF, has a Master Trainer Certificate in Neuro Linguistic Programming, is a Reiki Master and Performance Coach.

She supports amazing humans to clear away the past, so they can have powerful identity shifts and live their dream life. Her purpose is to help people transform so they can create, and LIVE a life free of shame, guilt and judgement.

She is also the proud mama of a tortico cat called Speedpanda, who she says has massive TORTItude and she wouldn’t have it any other way. She loves to sing and dance and have crafternoons with her friends.

You can find out more about her here:


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