Julia Scott: 6 ways to Improve Your Finances (the feminine way)

  1. Set your surroundings up for financial success. This is an easy one. It’s based on the principles of feng shui. Your surroundings are a mirror of your life and mindset. Take a look at yours. Do you need to declutter? Every piece of paper you leave lying on your desk or on the hall table represents a delayed decision.  Are there any repairs that need to be made? Replace old light bulbs (so that you’re no longer ‘in the dark’), fix broken handles (so that you can ‘get a handle’ on your finances). Could you do with some minor upgrades like a new phone charger (because your old one only works when you hold it certain way)  All of these mini dramas compound and reflect the dramas going on in your head. If you can clear them up your head will clear up too. You’ll think clearer and become more decisive especially when it comes to financial decisions.


  1. Set meaningful financial goals and write. Them. Down. Studies estimate that only 3% of people set goals and write them down. What we know for sure is that these people are the ones who succeed! Have you written your goals down lately? Do you do it daily? Writing your goals down and reviewing them daily helps you get to your destination faster because it keeps your brain on task so that you can spot opportunities and take action.  Set your north star. Make it clear, measurable and inspiring. By setting goals, you have everything to gain and nothing to lose. Try it!


  1. Connect with the older, wiser, wealthier version of you. Be the guide you wish you had at 17. What would you go back and tell your younger self about finances? Imagine what your older self can tell you now! It’s never too late to change your money habits. What would the wealthy version of you choose to do next?


  1. Automate your cash inflows. Set up a separate high interest, zero fee savings account and create a recurring transfer that sends a fixed amount of money every payday to your savings account. When your savings are out of sight and out of mind you won’t be tempted to spend them. You’ll also get to your savings goal faster than you think!


  1. Once you’ve hit your savings goal (I recommend an amount that covers six to twelve months of essential living costs), re-direct that automatic banking transfer to your superannuation or investment portfolio. Money LOVES to work but you have to be pro-active! Money needs your co-operation to make this work happen. Money cannot invest itself; you need to take action!


  1. I’ve saved the best for last – The Power of Visualisation. Our thoughts become our reality because our thoughts determine our vibration. The Universe follows YOUR lead, not the other way around. It wants to give you all of your financial dreams and goals but it can only do so if you are energetically in alignment with those dreams and goals. In other words, if you don’t believe or act as if it’s possible for you to be financially abundant, you won’t be.   Visualising how it will feel to reach your financial goals will bring the ideas, connections and synchronicities required to meet those goals faster. Help your brain become familiar with how it feels to be wealthy. If you don’t, your brain will see wealth as a threat simply because it is unfamiliar. It will introduce money blocks and sabotaging behaviour to ensure you are not successful at meeting your goals. Crazy I know, but this is all science backed!


By Julia Scott

~Novel Serialisation: Heavens Fire~

Julia Scott is an intuitive money mindset and finance mentor. As the founder of LOVE LUCK WEALTH, Julia has many years of experience as a Chartered Accountant, Tax Advisor, and Wealth Management Specialist. She’s also certified in Money Mindset and Feng Shui. Her passion for women’s financial empowerment led her to address the gap in the market for female income growth and wealth creation the feminine way.

Women do money differently to men. Julia will help you earn more, learn how to invest and open your mind to align with money. For speaking events and interviews, contact hello@loveluckwealth.com or www.loveluckwealth.com.

Legal Note: Information provided by Love Luck Wealth is factual in nature and does not take into consideration your personal financial situation. It is for educational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice nor financial product advice in any way. Remember, the value of any investment can go down as well as up. Before acting, you should consider seeking independent personal financial advice that is tailored to your needs from an appropriately licensed or authorised financial adviser.

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