It time we all found new Joneses

We have all heard this term “Keeping up with the Joneses” time and time again, but have you ever wondered where it actually came from? And No, it didn’t come from a really wealthy family called the Jones!

Keeping up with the Jones’s is actually a real condition. Its called Affluenza, and by definition it is;

  1. The bloated, sluggish and unfulfilled feeling that results from efforts to keep up with the Jones.
  2. An epidemic of stress, overwork, waste and indebtedness caused by dogged pursuit of the Australian dream.
  3. An unsustainable addiction to economic growth.

Now you know the definition, you need to understand that ultimately this is driven by consumer capitalism. I could write about this for hours because it affects all aspects of our lives.

Knowing what it is, is one thing but knowing what to look for is another.

Last year Australian’s credit card debt totalled $27.20 Billion, we have a total population of 25.59 billion people. And that is just credit card debt, not car loans, home loans, personal loans.

Banks are great salesman.  Have you noticed that you can apply for a GOLD credit card? Then there was the PLATIUMN credit card – that one even come with its own box, making you feel special for spending money that you don’t actually have.

Then the loyalty programs are attached, they sell the idea that if you use the card you will get something for free from your points. Surely I don’t have to say that when it comes to debt nothing is for free.  You do actually pay for that “free gift” along the way, whether it is higher annual fees or from interest.

~Novel Serialisation: Heavens Fire~

Banks have mastered selling debt, selling the idea that you have to live beyond your means just to be accepted by society.

They are driving us to want more and by wanting more we spend more and by spending more we have to work more to pay for want we spend, it is such a viscous cycle, don’t fall into it!

Lets move onto cars. Have you ever noticed how many 4WDs there are on the roads and I don’t mean’s those 4WD that are clearly used for off roading, I mean those pretty top of the range luxury 4WDs?

There are heaps, I once asked an owner of a Landcruiser Sahara (one of the most expensive 4WD on the market in Australia) how often they use it for its purpose, using four-wheel drive?

I do not think the answer will even shock you, they said never! They would never actually take it off road because they got the upgraded paint, and they do not want to scratch it! Really? So, if they don’t use it for off roading why have it?

Social Status, the thought that if they drive something like that they are somehow more important….. again really?

Why not buy a smaller vehicle that’s more economical on fuel, just as safe and a quarter of the price? That way you don’t have to work so hard and you get more time doing the things you like with the people that you love!! How does a holiday sound where you can create amazing memories and you would still have change left over.

And what about houses. How many of you have been camping or even caravanning? Enjoying the great outdoors and at the end of the day you all sleep in such a small place. You have all been feed like normal, washed like normal, in fact your actual necessity of life hasn’t changed that much has it?

So why do we seem to want these huge homes? So we can waste the little time that we have not at work paying for it at home cleaning it? Its that same thing, apparently the bigger the home and more luxurious it is the greater your social status…… again really?


Imagine meeting a person at a party and asking, so what’s your debt level? And the higher the answer the more popular you are. It’s really frightening that this is the way people are preserving success. Not a world I want to be a part of!

I am hoping that you are looking at Affluenza in a new light now?

My advice is, find new Joneses.

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